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Pre and Postnatal Care

Prenatal Care

During the course of a 9 month pregnancy your body undergoes a huge amount of change.


Sometimes you will need some physio support to help that period be more comfortable, or to help you maintain your strength and fitness as your body changes. Some people will need help with aching joints - most commonly the upper and lower back, and pelvis (including pubic bone) areas. Some will need help and advice regarding their pelvic floor function. Some will want help to try and facilitate a vaginal delivery.


Everybody's needs and goals are different, and we're here to support you in whatever way you need.


Prenatal group exercises - Pregnant women must have written confirmation from doctor that they are safe to participate in classes. 


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Postnatal Care

Depending on what your birth experience was like, the support that will be most helpful in aiding your recovery will vary. This is why we recommend a postnatal check appointment. 


You can see a physio as early as you like after giving birth but often the best time to see the physio is after any bleeding has resolved and any stitches have dissolved or been removed.


At Fundamental Physio & Pilates our postnatal check includes:

  • Whole body alignment assessment

  • Abdominal separation assessment

  • Ultrasound to try an achieve the best possible core contraction to help the separation heal and normalise muscle activity after the huge stretch of pregnancy.

  • Pelvic floor assessment (can be internal, or to a degree, external). This includes muscle function and prolapse assessment.

  • Assessment of C-section scar if present and work to help this area recover as optimally as possible

  • Assessment of any pelvic floor scar tissue (if desired)


This is obviously a lot to get through in a one hour initial assessment but we try to get as much done as physically possible. Not everyone will want a pelvic floor assessment (totally fine), and for some people that will be the priority (totally fine).


We can adjust the assessment to suit your body and what your needs are if it's been 6 weeks since you gave birth or 6 years. Wherever you are on the journey we can help.


Please note: at this time we don't have the facilities to fit pessaries if needed.

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