Sports Physio
Sports injuries can be acute tears, sprains, and spasms, or they can be chronic, annoying injuries that keep interrupting the sport you love. At Fundamental Physio & Pilates we're ready to help you get back to your sport of choice as fast as possible. If you need help recovering from a muscle tear, from tendon issues, or you need help with your conditioning and biomechanics this is the place to be! If you need taping we can help with that too.
The aim of treatment should always be to facilitate a smooth return to activity without issue. Some of you reading this may have had the experience of feeling ok and returning to sport only to re-injure yourself in the first or second game back. This often occurs because your whole body biomechanics were not considered. For example, when you sprain your ankle you usually will take your weight off your sore ankle. This means the other side is doing more work. If your physio doesn't make sure your weight shift throughout your entire body returns to normal as your pain recedes, this can lead to issues upon returning to sport, or, more commonly, back issues down the road. Repeated hamstring issues are almost always the results of your whole body mechanics not being right and returning to activity too soon. This can lead to a frustrating cycle of having on and off hamstring issues.
Pip has previously worked with a range of elite athletes from tennis stars at the Hopman Cup, to rugby players and Nitro Circus athletes. She has a Masters degree in strength and conditioning as well as extensive Pilates and Kinesio taping training. Whether it's injury or conditioning you need help with, she can help.